Comments on: I Lost My Head At The Country Living Fair{{ subscriber.email_address }} DIY Projects, Gardening Tips & Thrifty Decor Thu, 30 Dec 2021 21:39:13 +0000 hourly 1 By: Fonda Rush Thu, 28 Feb 2019 02:38:33 +0000 I had a horse with springs just like the one you pictured. My sister and I got it when we were very young, like maybe 2 and 3. It lasted all the way to my baby brother who is 14 years my junior. He rode it for awhile. I'll be it lasted 20 years, and he was still going strong, it's just that there was no one around to ride it any more. His name was Spike, and he provided hours and hours of entertainment for the five of us. Thank you for the memory.

By: Pam Wed, 10 Oct 2018 19:54:50 +0000 In reply to Johnene.

How exciting! It is worth the trip!

By: Linda @ Itsy Bits And Pieces Wed, 10 Oct 2018 17:21:35 +0000 This looks like so much fun! Lots of eye candy and goodies! The doll head is so cute! Love your finds!

By: Johnene Wed, 10 Oct 2018 11:33:42 +0000 Hey Pam, I just signed up for your newsletter and to my surprise the first thing I read is about the Country Living Fair. For years I've pondered going to this fair, but I live in Canada. So with your inspiration from this post, my husband and I decided that a road trip across the border next year is gonna happen. Thanks for the inspiration.

By: Pam Tue, 09 Oct 2018 17:13:12 +0000 In reply to Jen.

Packing my bags!!! Just kidding, that may be a little bit of a trip for me, but thanks for offering!

By: Jen Tue, 09 Oct 2018 01:14:03 +0000 Feel like road tripping to Cape Cod? I have a triple set of auditoriums seats, but metal base, not wood. Thanks for sharing your shopping adventure!

By: Karen Steinmann Tue, 09 Oct 2018 00:58:44 +0000 Love old aprons: have a few. Owls: I collected in the 70s so have a few of those too. I have a pastel green one so they were out there. I picked up a theater seat during a trip to one of the antique shops a couple of years ago.. Our taste runs in the same direction. Every time I clean my front closet and move the red plaid picnic /silverware carrier. I think of you. I won it when I sold Rubbermaid in a home party plan in the early 70's. Don't use it any longer, need to send it to you.
Thanks for keeping us updated on your "finds" Missed the Country Fair this year.. but looking forward to going next year. Thanks for sharing your treasures.

By: laura Mon, 08 Oct 2018 03:35:08 +0000 what a fun day of finds! laura

By: Finger Mon, 08 Oct 2018 03:30:06 +0000 I totally didn’t go to the CL fair this year! I have no idea why! I too have missed out by waiting to see if there’s something better. In case you don’t already know, Gurley candles shine up very well with an old pair of pantyhose! I bought several and I’ve used this trick on all of them! I love your posts! (But I kinda don’t get the owl thing!!)

By: pam Mon, 08 Oct 2018 01:10:09 +0000 OMG! I was just reading Susan Branch's blog and she has that same owl! Thought it was funny seeing both in the same day. LOL
