Comments on: Tips For Shopping Flea Markets, Festivals And Fairs{{ subscriber.email_address }} DIY Projects, Gardening Tips & Thrifty Decor Fri, 16 Jul 2021 20:41:45 +0000 hourly 1 By: Pam Thu, 23 Mar 2017 20:07:39 +0000 In reply to Laura.

Aw, thank you! You made my day!!!

By: Laura Wed, 22 Mar 2017 21:41:50 +0000 I am so glad to have stumbled onto your site!! Great ideas, useful tips, beautiful farmhouse suggestions, etc. and all cleverly written in my kind of tongue-in-cheek humor. Don't know how I never saw your site before, nor how much I was missing.

By: Pam Sat, 25 Feb 2017 02:20:29 +0000 In reply to Rebecca Platt.

Thank you Rebecca!!!

By: Rebecca Platt Fri, 24 Feb 2017 02:56:51 +0000 Like your blog very much. Am mentioning you on mine next week. Just wanted you to know.

By: deb bakos Mon, 19 Sep 2016 13:55:56 +0000 In reply to Pam.

Your feet should thank you. That was a LOTTA walking. Fun walking, but a lotta ground to cover. The vendors brought wonderful treasures. Sat. was sun, rain, sun, rain. The fairground announcer would give ten, 15 minute warnings with radar reports. Spaces were covered in impressive time, tents buttoned up, then just as quickly uncovered and opened up. We put in a full day at both events, lotta fun, but lotta walking. My favorite treasures are my new jean flower patches from Farmhouse Frocks, just have to decide where to put them - highly cute. How was your Country Living day?

By: Pam Mon, 19 Sep 2016 11:47:16 +0000 In reply to FLORENCE L SALMER.

All over 50 cents??? Bless her heart 🙂 There was a vendor selling feedsack purses at the fair and they had feedsack fanny packs. OK, they called them something else, but they were basically a fanny pack. They're coming back in style.

By: Pam Mon, 19 Sep 2016 11:44:52 +0000 In reply to deb bakos.

Did you get to the Extravaganza? I went to Country Living on Friday and then cancelled my plans for the Extravaganza on Saturday because they kept talking about how much it was going to rain. And then it ended up not raining! I'm not listening to the weathermen anymore!

By: Pam Mon, 19 Sep 2016 11:41:17 +0000 In reply to Shara.

Gotta support my junkers out there! Hope you have a good one!

By: Pam Mon, 19 Sep 2016 11:30:52 +0000 In reply to Eddie Mitchell.

Great ideas!!! I had every plan to go back on Sunday to get some more stuff, but then life got in the way of my shipping 🙂 I did have fun on Friday though!

By: Eddie Mitchell Fri, 16 Sep 2016 15:21:57 +0000 Have fun. I can't wait to hear how it went.

I always go last day for the bargains. There's always plenty to choose from, even on the last day. If I missed something that was there earlier, I don't know about it, so I'm not going to sweat it.

Another hint: If you do use a granny cart, or even a tote bag, stop every so often and repack your items. You'll get more in that way. Plus, you always find the Victorian cobblestones you've been searching for right after you have purchased the Queen's teaset, and you don't want that to get smashed. I bring a sturdy tote bag that rides in my cart. The breakable stuff goes in it, and when I find heavier items, I can just lift the tote bag out to put them in and the fragile stuff always stays on top.
