Comments on: Falling For An Estate Sale{{ subscriber.email_address }} DIY Projects, Gardening Tips & Thrifty Decor Thu, 30 Dec 2021 21:39:30 +0000 hourly 1 By: Ruth Sat, 24 Oct 2015 05:08:49 +0000 I've had one of those books for several years now--terribly handy, and I got it at a local Thrift Store!!

By: Vickie @ Ranger 911 Sun, 16 Nov 2014 16:03:59 +0000 I've got a bad case of estate sale envy, Pam!! The few sales that have been held in my area the last few months have been on days that I work, so I've had a dry spell myself. You've really hit the jackpot with your recent finds! The photos in the book are so darn sweet! Lucky girl.

By: The Speckled Hen Cottage Sat, 15 Nov 2014 16:51:10 +0000 I'm a "snooze & lose" person, I'm not competitive. So glad you found some more thermos items to "round out" your collection;)

By: Deanies Stash Fri, 14 Nov 2014 23:51:24 +0000 I say a girl cannot have too many thermos, picnic baskets and lunch boxes! So keep buying them Pam! I love seeing them. I think you found some neat stuff.

By: rush Fri, 14 Nov 2014 06:17:43 +0000 The estate sale liquidator, Caring Transitions, is prevalent in my area. They terribly over price their items. For example, I saw a metal trashcan they priced at $4. On the bottom of the can was a Big Lots price tag of $4. In another instance, I saw a covered wicker basket that they priced at $12. The original tag was on the item. They crossed out the price tag with a black Sharpie marker, and we know how well those hide prices!!!. It was $9.99 from Pier One. There are many other instances. I quit going to their sales. I have yet to try another company, as they just don't come my way very often. There is nothing I NEED, so I just go the second day after noon and take advantage of the "half-price", which I put in quotes for obvious reasons. I don't trust them very much. We are sticking to the yard sale and don't find much good stuff there either. We'll keep trying on those, though. But, the sales are dwindling as it gets colder.

By: Melinda Fri, 14 Nov 2014 03:56:57 +0000 Oh what a great picnic set. I guess people her don't
own stuff like that!
Sales around here are few and far between.

M : )

By: Musings from Kim K. Fri, 14 Nov 2014 02:38:13 +0000 You really did Score! That plaid stadium set would look rather cozy at our A-frame. Just case it comes up missing! Last Thursday, I stood in line before work praying that the Gurley Indian Thanksgiving candles that I had seen the night before were still available. I lucked out. Got 10 different types of Gurley candles for a steal. It was worth the wait.

By: Debby Fri, 14 Nov 2014 01:56:30 +0000 Hi Pam. I am meeting Sue tomorrow around noon in Canal at Cornersmiths and Polly's. If you want to join us.

By: Michelle Fri, 14 Nov 2014 01:34:43 +0000 These days, with four kids to load into the car, I'm more likely to just stay home. Unless there's something in the ad that gets me really drooling. Otherwise, we'll hit the sale later in the weekend when stuff is marked down.

By: Pam Kessler Thu, 13 Nov 2014 22:02:46 +0000 In reply to gadawn57.

You made my day!!! Glad I got you addicted 🙂
