I finally found my box of Valentine's Day stuff!!! You see, I could remember last year putting the Valentine's Day stuff away in a special place where it would be extremely obvious and where I would not lose it.
But when this year came around, I just couldn't figure out where that special place was. So anyhow, to make a long story shorter, I found it!
Now, I don't have a ton of VD stuff to decorate with, but I do have some vintage Valentine cards from the late 30's and early 40's.

I bought most of them on eBay a few years ago and they actually have the dates written on the back of them. I'm thinking the kid's Mom was an organizational nut, because I can't see a little kid writing dates on the back of his Valentines.
I know, Valentine's Day is almost a month away, but I wanted to post them early in case you wanted to use them for crafts and such.
I have read this card ten times and I still don't get it. Maybe it's a 1940's thing, but I don't think I would be thrilled if someone wanted to "shine me up"!
These are all mechanical cards (moving parts):
This one is one of my favorites, although not technically a mechanical card. The lasso is real rope and the gun is removable.
Sandy Ang
What a fabulous collection ! Makes me wish I had access to vintage images like these. Your elephant reminds me of my Fabulous Biker card
they say what you've lost you can usually find within like 18" of where you first looked for it.......:)
LOVING your collection!! happy Valentines day!
Oh my goodness! I am in love with vintage valentines, and I just struck the jackpot with this post!! Thanks so much!
Thank you for sharing such sweet valentines. Back in the day, if you took a shine to someone it meant you liked them or had a crush on them. Yes, I'm vintage, too. Happy Valentine's Day to everyone!
I love them all. Thanks for sharing these wonderful cards.I'm glad you found them!
Great collection!! The shine one is from a popular old fashioned phrase "I've taken a shine to you", which means you like that person.
Dear Pam, thanks for stopping by..I had a problem with my blog and had to do some work to get back on track...I'm here and love your Vintage cards...Keep that red box handy as it wont be long and you will be pulling it off the shelf once again..
Happy (early) Valentine's Day
Shirley & Cupid...
I wish I'd saved a bunch of my Valentines from long ago! LOL -I think they might even be vintage by now. 🙂 What a fun collection of them you have, Pam. Maybe I'll hit an antique booth and look for some this weekend. I've been a lump on a log re: blogging. Nothing to say and much to busy to organizing and cleaning and getting caught up with all I neglected during the holidays. Catching up w/some friends for a few minutes tonite, though. Love your little nest and ornithological shelf in your office. area. And the roses on your blog dress are pretty, too. Stay warm- it's snowing out and cold here. brrrr....
What a wonderful collection and assortment of cards, I'm so glad you could find them to share with us all, love each and everyone of them! Hugs Marilou
That is a terrific collection, I love them!
Love the ones that we got in grade school with all the animals on them!
very merry vintage style
Love them all! I love the cowboy (cowpup?) one the best; he even has a little birdy friend too! Thanks so much for linking up to my party with these great images!
Gillian Layne
Oh my goodness, I am in love! They are simply adorable. They would be so nice on a Valentine's poster for school.
Great Valentines. My hubby hides stuff from me on the top of the refrigerator because I'm only 5 feet tall. I pull a stool over and check each night once he goes to bed. He may be taller but I'm sneakier. Have a fun day.