Comments on: A Little Christmas Thrifting{{ subscriber.email_address }} DIY Projects, Gardening Tips & Thrifty Decor Thu, 30 Dec 2021 21:39:44 +0000 hourly 1 By: Pam Kessler Thu, 01 Apr 2021 19:39:05 +0000 In reply to Gail Martin.

You are so welcome! Glad you are enjoying my site!

I want to make a huge wooden Santa for my porch next year. I think they used to sell patterns in the wood working magazines way back when, because I've seen them at yard sales and they're always exactly the same. Maybe I'll try your cousins method.

By: Gail Martin Thu, 01 Apr 2021 09:59:34 +0000 I saw your blow molds. I used to have the candy canes that I got at Walmart when my oldest was still little enough to sit in the cart. He is now 31. AND I have coveted your middle Santa. I have one a bit bigger that him that I got for Christmas when I was a year old. I am now 61. Time flies !!!! I still put him out at Christmas. Your sight just brings back so many memories of years gone by. I tell my sons that they missed out on the best years. My aunt was very crafty. She would make her decorations. Her daughter has taken after her. She will take a drawing out of a magazine and enlarge it ( just for the outline of the picture) and tape it together and then paint it on Plywood. Everything she has done looks fantastic. Thank you for all of your ideas.

By: Brenda Latham Wed, 10 Oct 2018 20:13:53 +0000 Ok. Its been a few years for this post followed a link from Pinterest. I would have brought all of the blowmolds home!

By: Karen Garnett Sat, 18 Aug 2018 03:52:25 +0000 My son and I stopped at a Goodwill in New Mexico on our way to take him back to school in California. I found a fantastic 3' tall lighted blow mold Santa!! He was insanely cheap and I wanted to buy him so bad! Unfortunately, the car was crammed full of darling son's worldly possessions so there was no room for Santa...not to mention that I would have to ship him home from CA! (We drove his car out so that he could have it and I flew home!) Sigh! Love all your vintage Christmas goodies!

By: Ruth Fitzwater Thu, 25 Jan 2018 05:12:17 +0000 Your decorations are wonderful and I just learned about blow molds. Never heard that term before. I have a jolly looking Santa that I’ve had for a few years and I found the cutest little reindeer blow mold on the fantastic 127 Yard Sale a year ago. I have never seen a cute reindeer so paid the $25 which was more than I wanted to pay. I have a plaid thermos bag (cloth) with the thermos, food containers, etc. inside. I have a vertical swag of greenery and a red bow on it and it graces the fireplace hearth each year. Love the combination of vintage, modern and kitsch. Will be checking you out and enjoying your blog.

By: Jodie Robinson Wed, 06 Dec 2017 23:39:19 +0000 Great finds! I like the Buckeyes hat :). I do have a peed-my-pants kind of thrifting moment to share. I found a framed print that I bought for the frame. I took it jome, took the picture out of the frame, and there was an 1890s calendar back behind the picture!!

Here's to many more thrifting adventures, from one Central Ohioan to another 🙂

By: Yvette moseley Mon, 09 Oct 2017 00:27:33 +0000 I would love a pair of skies. If you ever come across a set can you let me know the name of a store and phone number. I have a old sled and would love some skies. Can’t find any in Louisiana

By: Emily Tue, 08 Nov 2016 21:39:27 +0000 I adore the ceramic tree! It reminds me of my childhood. I've been on the lookout for one for years, but they've all been pretty broken or really pricy. Might have to bite the bullet and just give in on the price. Love your decorations! Merry Christmas!

By: Pam Fri, 04 Nov 2016 18:17:20 +0000 In reply to Evelyn Gilliland.

It's become on of my favorite things to pull out every Christmas season. And I think it would be perfect as your tree this year!

By: Evelyn Gilliland Fri, 04 Nov 2016 13:30:16 +0000 I have my mothers ceramic tree. Might be the only tree I use this year during our house building/apartment living transition year. Thanks for reminding me I have it....stored in one of our storage units....ugh.
