I wait all year with giddy anticipation for my peonies to bloom.
So with much hoopla, I am proud to announce that my white peony has blossomed. Does it sound like I'm announcing the birth of a child or something? Well, same sort of thing.
I think it's a Duchesse De Nemours, but I have lost the tag that came with it so I am not 100% sure.
Get out of my buds!
I also have a light pink Sarah Bernhardt peony which should be blooming within the week and a brand new dark pink Victoire de la Marne which isn't even in the ground yet.
After the storm last night, I was a little scared to go out and look at my peonies. They survived OK,
just a little droopy and water logged.
But the ants are back, so that's a good sign.
Thank you for visiting my blog, yours is gorgeous, just the the peonies.
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Hi Pam! I think blogger is up and running for me now. Love the peonies...and Erin is a doll too. I have that soap dispenser, it is awesome!
Cozy Little House
I use to have a pink peony. But the ants just devoured it. What's with the ants and the peonies?
The white never gets old, beautiful pics, love the wire too! Celeste, victoriantailor.com
Olive Cooper
They are stunning and I am so glad I get to see them for I cannot grow them in this nuclear heat.
I LOVE white peonies! Wish I could grow them! Jacqueline @ Cabin & Cottage, http://getcottage.blogspot.com/
Beautiful peonies, Pam. Love the shot with the ant! My peonies are done for this year, the storm last night took care of that...I will miss the heavenly scent of them.
What a delight Pam! I was just so happy to be seeing your peonies(and the ants,lol-they go hand and hand) and was thinking how nice my day was starting off just looking at your peonies and virtually smelling them, when low and behold there I am! Thank you my dear kind friend for loving my work and for all of your support, you have no idea what it means to me Pam! Love ya:)
Happier Than a Pig in Mud
Looks like your threat worked, we can comment now! Your peonies are beautiful Pam! Love that they are all white, mine have that little touch of pink in the middle:@)
Faded Charm
Your peonies are simply bautiful....one of my favorite flowers:-)
Anita @ GoingALittleCoastal
I want to have these in the yard so bad. I wonder if it is too hot here in FL. They seem so delicate!
A Rosy Note
Oh so pretty. I have a few buds on my peonies, I'm hoping they'll be as wonderful as yours...I haven't planted them yet.
*sigh* So pretty! I can relate, this is big time stuff. I'm hoping to be making my own announcement soon!
Oh, I'd be announcing it too if I had a gorgeous white peony plant in my garden. This is absolutely stunning! ~ Sarah
Kim K.
Your white peonies are beautiful. We're still a a week out from blooms in West MI. They are my favorite flower....ants and all!
Kim @ Touch of Nostalgia
What a lovely peony!! 🙂 I swear I could smell them just viewing your beautiful photos. 🙂 I grew up with them lining my childhood home's driveway. I love to have a huge bouquet in my home. Nothing beats walking in to a room filled with the smell of a peony...well maybe a lilac. 😉
My Mom's driveway (she has since passed and we sold her home)was lined with them. I also have a newly planted garden of them the length of my driveway. I'm hoping one of them will flower this year. I have one other one alongside the house. It has a good handful of buds on it. I can't wait! I think I check it every day. 😉