Comments on: New Life For A Banker's Chair{{ subscriber.email_address }} DIY Projects, Gardening Tips & Thrifty Decor Tue, 21 May 2019 22:38:56 +0000 hourly 1 By: Pam Thu, 23 Jun 2016 12:45:11 +0000 In reply to Jennifer Forest.

I was shocked to see it for that price too! My husband REALLY wanted me to refinish it with a wood stain and bring it back that way, but it just had too many problem areas. Glad you liked it!

By: Jennifer Forest Thu, 23 Jun 2016 08:21:26 +0000 Forget the fact that this is a fantastic make-over and you are extremely brilliant and funny...
I cannot believe you bought this chair for only $5.00!!! Are you kidding me? One is incredibly lucky to find one less than $75-$100.00 around my area of the country! Yikes!
Getting back to the real reason for your post: You did a fabulous job with this banker's chair! I will definitely keep it in mind for the next banker's chair I see at a garage sale - if it's being sold for less that $75.00! LOL
Thanks again for your instructions and humorous post!

By: MerriJo Fri, 06 Nov 2015 02:57:41 +0000 Another AMAZING bargain in Ohio & what a perfect makeover! Love it!

By: Judy Thu, 05 Nov 2015 23:15:38 +0000 Judy from San Diego is so very excited to win the thermos! I never win nything!! I love the old time design on the thermos, just like my Dad had for years and carried to work. I am going to use it proudly!

By: Erica Thu, 05 Nov 2015 14:07:11 +0000 I have a chair almost exactly like that. It's a bankers chair but has a leather cushioned seat. It's Brian's office chair. Wonder if he would mind sitting on the floor for a few days while I give it a makeover?

Can't wait to see you list tomorrow!


By: Dianne Thu, 05 Nov 2015 06:45:20 +0000 Pam, normally with old oak I don't like to paint it but this baby needed it! I think it turned out awesome! Great great job! I would proudly use it in my home. xo Dianne

By: Vickie Thu, 05 Nov 2015 04:47:15 +0000 What a deal on the chair! I love the imperfect edges of the stencil you chose and the black painted finish. Good thing Santa didn't haul it a away!

By: Sandy Thu, 05 Nov 2015 03:52:13 +0000 Love to see all your ideas ! The stencil is perfect on the chair!

By: Pam Thu, 05 Nov 2015 03:33:07 +0000 In reply to chris aka monkey.

Maybe it's your circus then?

By: Pam Thu, 05 Nov 2015 03:32:13 +0000 In reply to Shara.

Chalk paint is very forgiving, Shara. You just sort of slop it on, that's what I like about it 🙂 And of course there's always spray paint!
