Comments on: Painting Longaberger Baskets{{ subscriber.email_address }} DIY Projects, Gardening Tips & Thrifty Decor Mon, 06 May 2024 01:40:54 +0000 hourly 1 By: Florence Mon, 06 May 2024 01:40:54 +0000 I think it turned out really good. I wouldn't hesitate to paint one if I had it. I remember their popularity, but I just couldn't see (personally) paying over $100 for one! But that's just me...ole cheapskate here.
BTW, I like your so called rambling posts.

By: Gina Thu, 04 Apr 2024 22:31:59 +0000 I'm in the camp that loves the transformation with paint. And yes, they are yours to do whatever you wish!

By: Caye Cooper Thu, 04 Apr 2024 21:52:17 +0000 I love your basket in spite of the fact that I don't care for grey. It's pretty neat on this iconic basket. I have a friend who would probably swoon if she knew I would paint one. Good for you!

By: Leslie D. Schmidt Thu, 04 Apr 2024 04:19:18 +0000 I never got into the Longaberger baskets, although I do love baskets. Pam, you have such a good eye and a talent for envisioning the potential of any object you find. I am always so impressed with your transformations. And your sense of humor is a delight. Thanks.

By: Carolyn Dinger Wed, 03 Apr 2024 21:56:14 +0000 Myself I love the stain. Pam you did a amazing paint job on the basket. Looked great on the door. Your choice of colors were a good choice.

By: Joanne Wed, 03 Apr 2024 21:49:13 +0000 I went to those same Longaberger parties! I think it makes perfect sense to bring them into your current decor style. Why let them collect dust where they serve NO purpose in "basket life". Good job!

By: Patricia Szybist Wed, 03 Apr 2024 19:53:41 +0000 I thought I'd hate it, but it's great!! And I do have a stash of LB baskets, so thank you for the great tip!

By: Jo Wed, 03 Apr 2024 18:31:36 +0000 I chuckled remembering my first longaberger party. They started with the berry box and I had to get up and run to the refreshment table to get a drink. Yup, a glass of wine. Went back to my seat and inquired again, still twenty four
dollars. Dang, I had three young boys at home and a husband! So, I decided baskets from flea markets and garage sales would have to work for me. Your basket looks great!

By: MrsSW Wed, 03 Apr 2024 16:16:12 +0000 I've never met a basket I didn't like but for some reason the Longaberger baskets never caught my eye. I still don't think they are very attractive but I really like what you did with paint. Perhaps because I am in a "if it holds still paint it" phase.
Will you be bringing more of your baskets out of the basement to update?

By: Dot Wed, 03 Apr 2024 16:15:42 +0000 Thank you for showing how to do that. I've been wanting to paint some of my longaberger baskets to match my kitchen for a long time. Now you've inspired me for the next time I have a few hours to do a craft project. Thank you so much.
