Comments on: How To Get Rid Of Skunk Smell On Your Dog{{ subscriber.email_address }} DIY Projects, Gardening Tips & Thrifty Decor Tue, 16 Feb 2021 22:31:51 +0000 hourly 1 By: Sharlana Mon, 29 Jul 2019 01:01:34 +0000 Any ideas how to keep the skunks away from your yard? Thanks

By: Luisa Sun, 28 Jul 2019 00:13:39 +0000 In reply to Judy Wootan.

Hi, Judy. I used Pam's recipe at this link.

For my first try, I used about 1/4 of the amounts given for all the ingredients. That amount was enough, as I covered the hibiscus and had most of it left over to save. A light breeze came up just as I sprayed, and it did make me cough a little, so watch out for breezes, haha. The squirrels have not bothered it since. I did spray the plant again lightly after some rain. Hope you like it.


By: Judy Wootan Sat, 27 Jul 2019 23:51:29 +0000 In reply to Luisa.

So what exactly did you use on your plants to de-squirrel them??

By: Ginger Thu, 25 Jul 2019 15:24:57 +0000 Awww! I had a Shiba! Best dog ever!

By: Joan K Tue, 23 Jul 2019 22:59:34 +0000 I absolutley applaud you for taking the time and caring enough to SHARE this with everyone !!

You are indeed MORE than a blogger.......xoxo

By: Luisa Tue, 23 Jul 2019 19:33:12 +0000 Well, I don't have a dog and my cats are all indoors all the time, yet I still read about how to de-skunk a dog and thought it was good info. This led me to how to lazily dry hydrangeas and then to de-squirrelifying decorations. While I was reading that, I looked outside. One of the squirrels was calmly and deliberately peeling leaves off the hibiscus on my patio and eating them. There were two completely bare stalks. I mixed up your potion and sprayed it all over the hibiscus. I'm going to check my tomato plants next. We shall see. Thank you!

By: Barbara O'Brien Tue, 23 Jul 2019 18:26:26 +0000 OOOOONOOOOO!!!! Fortunately none of my dogs ever went face to face with a skunk - except one! I was taking a rescue Jack Russell who's mommy had died. Some mutual friends were keeping him until I got back from vacation and the night before I was getting him he went after a skunk and was sprayed full on. The dad couldn't stand the smell - well, duh! - and didn't want to deal with him so put him on the front porch and went to bed. So the skunk spray wasn't washed off for about 10 hours!!!!! The mom and daughter gave him a few tomato juice baths and a bubble bath and he didn't smell too bad. At first. The next day and for many days after he STUNK! I tried everything, more tomato juice, the hydrogen peroxide mix, straight peroxide, mayonnaise - the good stuff, Dukes! - and several other home brew remedies. Then my nephews wife the dog groomer said Nature's Miracle and you'll have to use it 2 or 3 times. Well, it worked after the 3rd time he didn't smell and it didn't come back again

By: Cindy Tue, 23 Jul 2019 16:23:43 +0000 Oh know poor thing and you. I can't imagine this one. I can't deal with skunk smell being in the yard. I'm going to pin this in case. Ours have raised large yard for themselves but you never know.

