Or not!
Two weeks ago when I bragged about how great my iris would look I should have known it's not nice to brag. I think I even used the word spectacular. Stupid, stupid, stupid.
Well, we've had a wild spring here in Ohio. Rain, wind, abnormally low temps. All this continued while my iris started to bloom little by little.
Daily I would go out to the bed to see a few blooms here and there, but I was really waiting for that awesome couple of days when they all seem to pop out at once and it's a beautiful sea of blueness.
The incessant rain continued. And continued. It seemed like it would never stop.
When it finally did stop and I could run out and take some photos, I was staring at a battered iris bed. Past its prime and hardly spectacular. Sort of mediocre as far as iris go.
Normally the iris bed spans from one end of this photo to the other. The entire south end of our house is planted with an ever expanding bed of iris.
It is a pretty lackluster display this year, so I will have to wait until next year for that big, huge spectacular display.
Oops, am I boasting again? Now I've jinxed next spring also.
I did find this unique yellow iris amongst the blue. I thought it was a weird mutant iris, but it seems that they do actually come in other colors than my blue. Who knew?
It was so top-heavy that it has fallen in the clover and couldn't get up.
I love your Iris and they are my favorite color.
Well, it still looks pretty to me!! Maybe not as gorgeous as it has been in past years, but... Sorry you have had so much rain. Hope your weather perks up soon.
I know they may not be what you were hoping for but I think they look gorgeous!! I remember a lot of rainy days when I lived in Ohio......I hope you see the sun soon!
Love the header!!
I think the rain is drowning everything! If I had a garden, I would definitely have some irises. I don't think even I could kill them. As for your "mutant," I thought they only came in blue, too!
I'll have to sniff that Dreamsicle candle next time I'm at Wally World. I used to love that ice cream bar when I was a kid. What am I saying- I STILL love them!
~ Sue
High Street Cottage
Hi Pam, first of all, I love the new header and page, just wonderful choices and photos! Second, what a gorgeous Iris bed! Simply amazing! xxx
This weather has been awful this spring, things are coming in so slowly. I love your iris's, they really are gorgeous and vibrant. I guess that is one good thing about the rain, all the beautiful color but it could at least warm up a bit. 🙂
Sandy aka Doris the Great
I love Iris. Your beds are so lovely.
Anita @ GoingALittleCoastal
They looks spectacular to me! I only have a few rogue ones that someone before us planted. They bloomed for the first time this year. Do they multiply on their own?
Ocean Breezes and Country Sneezes
Your Iris's are still beautiful! We're about to put our "swimmies" on in the North East too!