Comments on: Shopping Church Rummage Sales{{ subscriber.email_address }} DIY Projects, Gardening Tips & Thrifty Decor Thu, 30 Dec 2021 21:39:22 +0000 hourly 1 By: kay Mon, 30 Jan 2017 19:21:55 +0000 In reply to Patty Soriano.

sound like you work at the church I work at.kay

By: Angela K. Tue, 04 Oct 2016 13:15:35 +0000 I LOVE rummage sales! Church or school, it doesn't matter! Years ago, I worked just down the street from a huge church, that was also a private high school. The PTO of the school, and the church elders had joined forces to hold a very massive week long rummage sale. So, naturally, everyday on my way home, I would scope out the wares as I drove past. On the last day of the sale, I finally stopped- pretty much expecting that all of the good stuff would have been long gone. Boy was I ever wrong! Tucked under a folding table was a brand-spanking-new, all leather, black and white Titleist golf bag. The kind that, on sale cost about $260. I knew that my husband would LOVE that bag, and his birthday was less than a week away. So, I grabbed the bag- thinking that it has been passed over all week because they wanted some outlandishly high price for it, and I would probably just end up dragging it back to it's place under the table. I wandered around the sale a bit more, bag in toe, and found a few flow blue plates to add to my collection, and a stray twin headboard (that I had decided I would make a bench out of). At this point, I couldn't carry anymore, and they were getting ready to end the sale- parents, and church parishioners, were running around starting to box stuff up for donation. So, I walked over to the lady with the cash box, fully ready to have a mild stroke when I heard my total- because after all, I knew that the bag was worth a pretty penny, and the flow blue plates that I had found were worth at least $50 a piece on eBay. She finally replied (after assessing my purchases) "That will be $10." WHAT!?! $10!!! Sensing my confusion, she smiled and said "$5 for the bag, the headboard is $1, and plates are a buck a piece." I gave her a $20, and told her to keep the change to help their cause, and loaded my car with a huge smile on my face. My husband loves the bag- even had a guy at the driving range offer him $200 bucks for it once. He still has it. I never told him how much I paid for it! LOL. And, from that day on, I have never passed up another church (or school) rummage sale.

By: Pam Tue, 04 Oct 2016 12:02:58 +0000 In reply to Rachel.

Thank you, Rachel! Glad to see you here 🙂

By: Pam Tue, 04 Oct 2016 11:58:12 +0000 In reply to Carrie Scovil.

I'll have to pay more attention to the school ones then!!!

By: Carrie Scovil Sun, 02 Oct 2016 18:53:31 +0000 Church rummage sales are the best.The local schools do them also. Where I live the local churches hold them twice a year in the fall and then again in the spring. I didn't know about these until a friend brought me once what a score. I shop for anything and everything. I will buy for my sister she has six kids, friends, and other family members. Just went yesterday 3 boys shirts, 3 pairs of soccer socks,2 women tops, a pair of soccer shorts, five kids books, a kids laptop, life jacket, fleece vest, Melissa & Doug floor puzzle, Vtec baby ball toy, Fisher Price Giraffe, Baby Einstein Book that makes noises, Baby Einstein grip toy light up and makes noises, Leap frog Dinosaur that does the Alphabet, 2 wiffle balls, Zipper pouch full of alphabet stamp, animals, and shapes, A Fisher Price Pull Train, Leap Frog caterpillar that does numbers, colors and alphabet and a cribbage board all for $4. I have a Daycare so these were great finds. My husband asked why the cribbage board I said i can sell it on Ebay and and then everything would be free yeah. My daughters class now does one as a fund raiser and just about everything is 50 cents , 2hrs before the end its $1 a bag then the last hour everything that is left is free and they made $800 last year not bad for 1 day and about 6hrs.

By: Rachel Fri, 30 Sep 2016 22:57:44 +0000 I went to a church rummage sale today and lunch and discovered your blog this afternoon! I laughed out loud when you talked about donating more than the items are priced because God is keeping track...that's exactly what I did! Several of your posts made me laugh out loud..I will definitely be coming back to read more of your blog!

By: Pam Mon, 22 Aug 2016 15:47:45 +0000 In reply to Sue Pagels.

Wow!!! Great find! I'm always nervous checking out when I find one of those type of deals, because I keep thinking they're going to tell me they put the wrong price on it, it's really $49.99 🙂

By: Sue Pagels Fri, 19 Aug 2016 14:16:59 +0000 You always have the best funniest shortest posts!! And the photos are always glorious! My find was a Van Briggle matte butterfly vase for a whole twenty five cents. Practically ran with it up to the money lady!! Yes, I always add extra too when I shop at a church resale or a rummage sale.

By: Diana Martinez Mon, 01 Aug 2016 17:51:28 +0000 I say this stuff all the time and people never believe me but I LOVVEEE these sales. I am always going when I see them. SOOO glad to see someone else get in on it. Thanks for posting!

By: Ann Sat, 25 Jun 2016 03:01:14 +0000 What can I say that you haven't already about church sales? They rule! Last summer I picked up 16, yes sixteen, mint condition Gurley candles. Still wrapped in cellophane. Jack o lanterns, witches, choir boys, baby deer…..25 cents each. $4.00 measly dollars….I about fell over. Was trying to casually GRAB all those suckers before anyone else saw them. Love your site and your style. I've visited many times, this is my first post. I'll be back!
