The Ghost Of Christmas Decor Past has come a-callin'.
And when a ghost comes a-callin', you open the door and welcome him inside before he eats your face off. Or is that zombies?
Anywho, as I was sifting through old photos here on my computer, trying to get in the mood for all the upcoming holiday decorating that will be occurring soon, I realized that there's a boat load of Christmas decor I've posted over the years and maybe, just maybe, it can give you some Christmas decor decorating ideas for your own decor this year.
Or you can have a good laugh. Either-or.
Now, if I've done this right, you should be able to click on each photo to go to the post where the photo originally appeared, if you so desire. It's like Christmas magic.
Without it being Christmas yet and without Frosty melting in a greenhouse.
Are you dreaming about holiday decor yet?
Or are you one of those annoying, super-organized people that have it done already?
Enjoyed this trip to Christmas decorating past! Your vignettes are always such fun, whimsical inspiration. My fave is the "deer hunter" ready to shoot with his camera.