Quick and EASY patriotic porch decor ideas to decorate your home for the 4th Of July, Labor Day or Memorial Day. So easy, you can throw your porch together in a few minutes from stuff you probably have in your garage or basement.
The year has gotten away from me. I blinked and all of a sudden 2021 is half over and we're going into July.

Normally I have my porch decorated for the 4th Of July at least two weeks in advance, but since I just realized the holiday is this weekend, I hurried up and threw some decor together for the porch this morning.
If you are like me and are a little late to the game this year, I put together some quick and easy last minute ideas for you!
Easy Last Minute Patriotic Porch Decor
ANYTHING Red, White or Blue
Really, you can't go wrong with grabbing anything you can find in the colors of red, white or blue and throwing it on the porch.
- watering cans
- picnic baskets
- a red wagon
- blue pillows
- you name it
If it matches the color theme, GO FOR IT!
Flags And Bunting
Every year I pick up flags of all different sizes at the grocery store, hardware store or Walmart. They sell them just about anywhere and normally for a buck or so.
Lucky for me, I have amassed a rather large collection of them, so I just dug them out of my storage boxes.
For the porch, I plopped a handful of them in a "vintage" watering can. I bought this watering can at a yard sale thinking it was vintage, but when I got it home I realized it was a Target galvanized watering can (with UPC code still stuck on the bottom) that someone had spray painted red.
I don't even mind it's not vintage, because it's still cute as a button!
BTW, I show you how to make the Radio Flyer wagon tabletop in my post How To Make A Little Red Wagon Patio Table.
Yard Games
I think any yard games from your childhood are a fun way to add a bit of whimsy and nostalgia to your porch!
I have a thing for vintage croquet sets myself. But badminton rackets with birdies or lawn darts would do.
Bonus points for the metal, pointy, death defying lawn darts from the 60's. Unless you have little kiddos coming to a picnic and then best to buy the newer "safe" version of lawn darts.
Vintage Thermoses or Picnic Baskets
Of course, I'm going to include a thermos on my porch. It's sort of my "thing". I practically always add at least one, sometimes two and sometimes a picnic basket will be thrown in also.
You can see all my past porches on my Front Porch Ideas category page.
In my mind, since I have rockers on the porch, it only makes sense that someone might be sitting out here drinking a cup of coffee or a glass of lemonade and need a thermos to keep it hot or cold.
And to be honest, if I don't use my thermos collection then it's suddenly a hoarding situation rather than a collecting situation and no one wants to be a thermos hoarder. (Except I do, I really really do).
In my world, you pretty much have to have flowers on your front porch. A fern in the very least.
A big ole pot of red geraniums is always a winner for the summer holidays, but if that plan fails, then your normal porch flowers will do.
In my case, I couldn't justify running out and buying even MORE flowers, since I've bought so many this year already (I think I was trying to make up for not buying much of anything last year).
So I just stuck with my bright pink and pink bi-color geraniums in my crocks.
If I didn't already have the watering can full of flags, I would have stuck a few flags in my geranium crocks to give them more of a star spangled look.
A Simple Wreath
If you don't have time to make a fancy wreath or go out and buy one, you can throw together my grapevine wreath in about five minutes (4 of which are spent searching for safety pins).
It's just a plain grapevine wreath you can find at practically any craft store for a few dollars with a flag bandana draped over it. Boom, you're done!
But I do have a tutorial on how I made the "flag" wreath here, if you want further details - Quick And Easy 4th Of July Wreath.
Anything Map-Like
The wooden United States wall hanging is from JoAnn Fabrics. It's made to look like it's little scraps of wood put together, but it's one solid piece.
And that is how I realized that July 4th was coming up!
I went into JoAnn's to look for summer stuff and all the 4th of July stuff was drastically reduced!
I wouldn't be surprised if Thanksgiving is next week!
So how are your July 4th plans coming along?
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You always bring a smile to my face.. If its not your cute ideas all pulled together so uniquely its the accompanying commentary. 🙂 My Dollar Tree was putting out back to school supplies and Fall flowers last week so Thanksgiving can't be far behind!
Debra Oliver
cute ideas, Pam, love the idea of the wooden topper on the wagon. Perfect! Happy July 4th weekend!
Joanne D.
I collect thermoses too! So fun - I love your blue one. Mine are either red or green. Your porch is adorable!
Pam Kessler
Thank you! I started with traditional plaid ones and have just started collecting some other "colors" 🙂 Do you follow Diane @campwunakerwoods on Instagram? She always has thermos patterns I didn't even know existed before.
Pam, I always love seeing all your decorating ideas. I’m still laughing over your Thanksgiving is next week comment. Hope your family is well. Been a very challenging time for everyone. Thank you for still blogging and making us all smile !
Pam Kessler
We are all doing well, just not back to normal schedules yet. I haven't been blogging as much as I'd like because my son is home with me all day now. We're trying to get him in a day program so he can have more interaction with kids his own age and do fun things, but the programs for young adults with special needs were hit very hard with Covid and are just now slowly opening back up.
Pamela Martin
So many great ideas here. I am from Canada and we have July 1st as our Canada Day. I can easily adapt your ideas by just using the red and white colours. I was very fortunate to fine a wood, vintage red and white bowling set, child size. It looks great in my summer decor. I think I might be on the lookout for crochet games now.
Pam Kessler
The bowling set sounds fabulous! Happy Canada Day Eve 🙂
Love your turquoise door!
Your red, white and blue decor looks great, too! We just changed our small flag out, realizing that we were really close to July...one day left in June! What's with us, anyway?!!
Pam Kessler
It's like I've been asleep for the last year and a half!
Me, too! lol